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This educational program contains information, documents, pages and images prepared by Participate Australia Limited and are the copyright of Participate Australia Limited.

If you seek to copy, distribute, download or otherwise deal with the material you must obtain permission from Participate Australia. To obtain such permission, please contact:

Chief Operating Officer, Participate Australia, 113 Edwin Street North, Croydon NSW 2132, 02 9799 4333

This permission does not extend to copyright in the materials on this website that are owned by others (we strongly recommend that you refer to the copyright statements at those sites before making use of the material).


The content of the Participate Australia educational program is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this educational program do not constitute financial advice and should not be used as such. Formal financial advice should be sought from financial planners to authorities.

Whilst the information contained in this educational program has been formulated with all due care, Participate Australia Limited does not accept any liability to any person for the information (or the use of such information) which is provided in this educational program or incorporated into it by reference.

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